Wednesday, February 27, 2013

speed paints, Photoshop CS5

Family and friends, Photoshop CS5

Speed Paint, zombie, Photoshop CS5

Tribal people outfit designs, Photoshop CS5

Lilo and Stitch Fanart, Photoshop CS5

Commissions, Photoshop CS5

Life drawings

 Photoshop CS5

 Photoshop CS5


Corel Painter

Alternative Circus Character designs, Photoshop CS5

The characters above placed into environments.

Self portrait, Alter Ego, Photoshop CS5

Martha Stewarts halloween cupcakes, Photoshop CS5

Children's show pitch visual aid for AG properties

Circus character designs, Photoshop CS5

Fanart, JTHM and Ed edd n' eddy, Photoshop CS5

Weekly speed painting, One hour, Photoshop CS5

Circus stickers, original characters, Photoshop CS5

Thesis and side projects

Valentines day post card design, Photoshop CS5

Trash themed children, character design, Photoshop CS5

Imaginary landscape painting, Photoshop CS5

Animal Patterns


Diana and Clark, Photoshop CS5

Jim Hawkins fanart, Treasure planet, Photoshop CS5 

Night crawler fanart, Photoshop CS5